Photo by Jesse van den Berg

After I picked up a camera at fifteen years old, I never put it back down. I went to study slightly more ‘sensibly’ by choosing Communication & Multimedia Design, but the camera kept calling my name. I knew I just wanted to take photos. F* sensible.

Now, 11 years later, I’m still so happy I did. As a portrait and branding photographer I get to capture the beauty I see all around and inside us. I can express my lust for life in everything I do and create. Both as a photographer as an astrologer, I get to reflect all of this beauty back to you and empower you to embody your unique gifts.

Hi, I’m Sabine. Photographer and retoucher. Astrologer. Dog parent. Traveller. Multifaceted being.

My philosophy

On the journey of self-discovery, there is no destination. Either through photography, writing, astrology – I’m continuously excavating parts of myself that long to be expressed. This process is not merely personal; what I create is a mirror and therefore an excavation tool to anyone who is on a similar journey. With my work I invite you to step into a dimension where we both expand into something unexplored. Sincerely, my Leo Jupiter in the tenth house.

Running a business is like self-development on steroids shrooms. It’s a spiritual endeavour, which is why I choose to incorporate astrology into this realm. It’s also why I shoot film. There is a level of surrender and trust that you have to embody using this medium, which I believe in turn evokes the same surrender and trust in my subjects.

This approach results in a timeless and organic end result. My artistic eye melts together with the full identity of you and your brand. Powerful images that will last a lifetime. Capricorn stellium signing off.
(+31) 6 21 504 356

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Prints available in small editions.
Also available for retouching.

clients & publications:
Asics, AW Bruna, Bruid Magazine, Museum IJsselstein,
Nike, Philips, Polette, S. Oliver, Studio Konijnenvoer,
Wereldmuseum Amsterdam, Qmusic and more